The Electric Cooperative Purpose

To power communities and empower members to improve the quality of their lives.

Cooperative Principle No. 7, Concern for Community, has always guided electric cooperatives working for the sustainable development of the communities they serve. Being local and member owned, electric cooperatives are ideal catalysts for improving quality of life in their communities.

Today, electric cooperatives in Texas are making a difference in the lives of more than 3 million members by providing safe, affordable and reliable electric service. While electricity is the foundation of the program, both operations and concern for the community are integral to the success of cooperatives and their members.

Electric cooperatives in Texas:

  • Assist communities with economic development and revitalization projects.
  • Provide infrastructure to support community needs and improve quality of life.
  • Support important community organizations, such as volunteer fire departments, schools and local government.
  • Support educational opportunities by funding scholarships and sponsoring youth leadership programs.
  • Educate the public about electric safety and energy efficiency.
  • Assist fellow cooperatives to provide a quick-response power recovery network during natural disasters.