Connect with electric cooperative decision-makers.
TEC offers scalable opportunities to help you build relationships with cooperative leaders from across Texas. Whether your goal is face-to-face interactions, brand recognition, advertising and marketing opportunities, or product distribution, TEC can help you build a path to the right electric cooperative decision-maker. If strong relationships with electric cooperatives are critical to your organization’s success, look no further than TEC.
Conference and Event Sponsorships
There is no better way to showcase your products and services than at gatherings of motivated co-op industry professionals focused on specific areas such as engineering, human resources, accounting, member services, and safety/loss control.
Our yearly conferences offering sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities include:
- TEC Annual Meeting (exhibit show every 5 years)
- Accounting Conference and Exhibit Show
- Administrative Professionals Conference
- Directors Conference
- Engineering Conference and Exhibit Show
- Environmental Conference and Exhibit Show
- Human Resources Conference
- Information Technology Conference and Exhibit Show
- Loss Control Conference and Exhibit Show
- Managers Conference
- Materials Management Conference and Exhibit Show
- Member Services and Communications Conference and Exhibit Show
- Government-in-Action Youth Tour
TEC Business Alliance Program
TEC Business Alliance Program members can interact face-to-face with decision-makers from electric cooperatives across Texas by attending, exhibiting and/or sponsoring association conferences and events throughout the year.
Membership benefits include:
- Opportunities to attend the TEC Annual Meeting and our annual conferences.
- Discounted registration and exhibit fees for TEC conferences, workshops, webinars and Loss Control schools.
- Recognition as a Business Alliance Program member at all TEC conferences, including prominent name placement in programs, on screen during meeting sessions and on name badge ribbons.
- Recognition in a tabbed section of the annual TEC membership directory, discounted advertising rates and a free copy of the directory.
- Subscriptions to Texas Co-op Power, TEC Report and TEC Loss Control Safety Watch.
TEC Directory Advertising
TEC’s popular annual membership directory is distributed to TEC members across the state and is used by co-op decision-makers every day. Advertising space reservations are limited, and TEC Business Alliance Program members receive discounted advertising rates.
Speaking Opportunities
TEC is always looking for knowledgeable, engaging subject matter experts to speak at our broad range of conferences.
Manufacturer Partnership Program
TEC Manufacturing & Distribution Services is your company’s single-point access to decision-makers at 65 electric distribution cooperatives and nine generation and transmission cooperatives, along with multiple regional municipal utilities and industry contractors. Our member co-ops represent a $250 million market servicing over 2 million meters.
TEC is the most effective way to reach new customers and streamline your distribution; you’ll immediately benefit from the well-established industry relationships we’ve built with our members and customers over decades.
Our supply management team reviews products on an ongoing basis.