Conference Puts Spotlight on Safety
March 23, 2015
The emphasis on safety during the 69th Annual Texas Electric Cooperatives Loss Control Conference March 17–20 was not lost on the 431 attendees at the Sheraton Arlington Hotel. The message came from co-op executives, safety experts, law enforcement officials, injured linemen and the widow of a fallen lineman.
The conference also featured a trade show of more than 40 representatives demonstrating products and services essential to the utility industry.
The annual auction and golf tournament raised nearly $35,000 for the scholarship fund available to children of employees who participate in TEC’s Loss Control program.
Linemen injured on the job shared emotional tales during sessions titled “Don’t Think It Can’t Happen to You.”
Fifteen co-op employees won Lifesaving Awards, and the stories of their heroism were told in seven poignant videos shown during general sessions.
Breakout sessions focused on industry issues and practices, including fall-arrest system regulations, RESAP and identifying hazards, accident investigations, the dangers of meth labs and the formation of a safety committee.